30 Day Drawing challenge - Day 9, 10, 11

Day 9, 10, 11 of my 30 Day Drawing Challenge:
Draw a robot, someone angry and something I'm not good at drawing
I drew a toy robot inside the bottle, an angry kid and a close-up version of his hand, and a background with a different type of perspective!

The first two are very simple.

What made the difference is the style and the medium used. 

I do not normally use gel pens for drawing, and specially not for colouring.

That really made the difference, I tell you.

It took me three days just to get the details I want for my background! 

Three Days!

Well, let' say about 22 hours and they are divided into three days, unequally.

How did I make this?

First, I studied how the refraction of light works.

Yes. I held the bottle of water outside the window. I looked weird, but it was definitely interesting to observe how the surroundings looked so different through the bottle. 

Then I drew, with pencil guidelines of course.

And I drew.

And I drew.

Then I took a picture of my original finished drawing.

Then I added a filter and just did a bit of tweaking with the contrast, shadows etc.

Then I'm all done!

I hope you liked it!


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